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Writer's pictureangelilacyoga

8 limbs of yoga (1) Yamas

Over the coming weeks, I thought it might be helpful to summarise the further limbs of yoga beyond the asanas and pranayama.

The yamas deal with traits we should, as yogis, avoid;

Ahimsa - non-harming of any living things, in thought, word or action,

Satya - truthfulness - the avoidance of telling untruths, as well as being untruthful by omission.

Asteya - non-stealing - may seem obvious, but also considers the taking of ideas, energy or time,

Brahmacharya - abstinence - refraining from the things that throw our minds into turmoil, This could be for example; drugs, alcohol, loud music, horror movies or inappropriate sexual behaviour.

Aparigraha - non-accumulation of material things. Letting go of the importance of owning 'stuff'.

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